This document last modified on 04/29/2020 15:57:50

Links to Arduino-Related Documents

HERE is a document that shows how to use a "static" display to create a very low-power Arduino-based indoor weather station that displays date and time, temperature, relative humidity, and atmospheric pressure. These displays retain whatever is sent to their screen essentially indefinitely when power is removed. With a power on/off timer, this system will run for a very long time under battery power because the display doesn't have to be powered permanently to remain visible. For this project I used an Arduino NANO board.

HERE is a link to a short document that describes using an Arduino Nano board in place of an Arduino UNO.
HERE is a link to a document that details how to construct an Arduino-based weather station to report temperature, relative humidity, and atmospheric pressure. The document also discusses how to use packet radio technology to send data from a weather station to a receiving Arduino, and how to use a 16-bit ADC board to report data from analog sensors such as pyranometers. Code from the document is HERE. Creative Commons License

HERE is a link to a web page that discusses some electricity fundamentals needed to use Arduino microcontrollers properly.
This document shows how to use a small TFT display (ID 2088 from to generate simple bar graphs. A code example shows how to update and graph eight pairs of temperature and relative humidity values from a DHT22 sensor. Code is also given that shows how to include storing the temperature and relative humidity data to an SD card with a date/time stamp, using the ID 1141 data logging shield from Code is given for displaying small .bmp images on the display. Creative Commons License

HERE is a link to a web page about using Arduino Uno microcontrollers and inexpensive sensors to monitor particulates in the atmosphere. A "work in progress"!
Here is a link a document that gives equations and code for calculating solar positions with an Arduino Uno. Despite the limited precision of its real number (floating point) arithmetic, the Arduino calculations of solar elevation and azimuth as a function of location, date, and time agree to within less than 0.002° with calculations done in Excel, an application which supports "double precision" floating point arithmetic. The equations are taken from Jean Meeus' classic book, Astronomical Algorithms. The calculations could be used to control a two-axis solar tracker with an appropriate stepper motor and gearing arrangement. A text file containing the code is HERE.
Creative Commons License
Arduino Uno and Solar Position Calculations by David R. Brooks is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivatives 4.0 International License.
Here is a link to Arduino-Based Dataloggers: Hardware and Software. This document shows how to build and program a four-channel 16-bit datalogger based on an Arduino microcontroller. This datalogger is suitable for use with IESRE and other sensors, including some commercial pyranometers which have a smaller voltage output than IESRE pyranometers. This logger also makes it possible to do a better job of monitoring surface reflectance from dark surfaces with IESRE pyranometers used in pairs as upward- and downward-facing radiometers. Data files are stored on an SD card. The cost of this project is roughly $75, which is much less than the cost of commercial loggers with comparable resolution. This is Version 1.0 of this document, which undoubtedly will be revised, corrected, and updated. However, this version has been put online in response to a lot of recent interest in such a project. As always, your comments, suggestions, and questions are welcome!
      A link to all the sketches listed in this document is available HERE.
Creative Commons License
Arduino-Based Dataloggers: Hardware and Software by David R. Brooks is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivatives 4.0 International License.