1. Open the Real Time Water Vapor Interface in your browser:
2. Start by choosing a Start Day and End day for the collection of data.
Then choose the location from where the data will be collected. You can choose more
than one location. Make sure the
IPW box is selected. This gives the graph for Integrated Precipitable Water in units of
centimeters or inches of water.
You can also choose other meteorological parameters. For routine use of these data,
the "... Delay" and "Formal Error" parameters are not of interest. Make sure the
"Quality Controlled Data" button under Quality Control Options and "Median" button
under Solution Type are "pushed."
When everything is selected click "plot data".
How to download data from the NOAA/FSL Ground-Based GPS Meteorology (GPS-MET) database
3. A new screen will open with the selected graphs plotted in it. If you have selected more than one site, the data for all selected sites will appear on the same graph. 4. To download the information represented on the graph, click on the "download" button in the top left corner. |
5. In the small window that opens there is a place to enter in your email address. Enter in your email address and click "submit." NOTE: If your browser is set to refuse to open "pop-up" windows, you may have to change that setting in order to get this window. |
6. Once you have submitted your email address a new window will appear. It provides the link from which to download your data, and informs you that an email with the link is being sent to you. The email will come in only a few minutes. The easiest way to get the data is to wait for the email and then click on the link provided. |
7. When you click on the link provided, the data will appear in a new window. |
8. Go to File and Save As in the data window. Give the file your desired name such as, "IPW data," and save is as a Text File. |
9. Now the file is saved in the selected location. Text files can be imported into spreadsheet applications such as Excel for further analysis.