The Institute for Earth Science Research and Education (IESRE) is a non-profit corporation registered under the laws of the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania and qualified by the Internal Revenue Service as a 501(c)(3) corporation effective in 2003. IESRE's purpose is to build worldwide partnerships among scientists, teachers, and students that advance knowledge and learning about Earth and its dynamic systems. Its mission includes:
This website presents and supports work done by IESRE. Much of this work has been supported by funding from The National Science Foundation, the National Aeronautics and Space Administration, the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration, and the Toyota USA Foundation. Opinions and information presented as factual are the responsibility of Dr. Brooks, and have not necessarily been approved by these funding sources. For questions and comments about the contents of this website, contact
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David R. Brooks, 2005. Online at .
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Warranty. IESRE warrants all merchandise against defects in material or workmanship for a period of 90 days from the original purchase date, unless otherwise stated in writing by IESRE. Merchandise returned to IESRE pursuant to this warranty must be returned prepaid. If IESRE receives the merchandise considered to be defective within this warranty period and if the product is determined to be defective, IESRE will, at its sole option and discretion, repair or replace the merchandise. This is your only and exclusive remedy and constitutes IESRE's entire liability arising out of this warranty. IESRE's limited warranty is void if the damage or defect has resulted from improper customer assembly, use, or installation; failure by customer to follow instructions; product modification; negligent or improper operation; accident, abuse, or misapplication. IESRE will transfer to the customer whatever transferable warranties and indemnities IESRE receives from the manufacturer. Any claims arising from such manufacturer's warranties shall be the sole responsibility of the manufacturer and not of IESRE.
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