(C) IESRE 2011...2016

Retrieve and Display CRN Insolation Data

Use this application to display insolation data from NOAA's Climate Reference Network (CRN). The data are in comma-delimited ASCII text format, with one file for each CRN site that reports pyranometer data:

     Avondale, PA 03761 360320 85 m zone 5 6 2 2006 16
     PA Avondale 2 N,39.8593,-75.7861,06/02/06 16:00 UTC,475.5,156.4,908,271.4,	
This format is different from the online CRN data, which contains all parameters from each site but does not include the calculated standard deviation for the insolation. We thank the staff at NOAA's Satellite and Information Service, National Environmental Satellite, Data, and Information Service (NESDIS) for providing the data accessed through this application.
      Display options include daily integrated insolation and hourly max, min, and average insolation values for 1, 2, 4, or 8 days at a time. Clear-sky model values are also provided for some output options. See here for additional information about how these values have been generated.

Select data here...

Year: Month: CRN Site:
Input conditions for clear sky model (options 4,5, or 6):
1 AU solar constant (W/m2)
water vapor (cm H2O) (standard dry atmosphere)
sea level ("weather report") barometric pressure (mbar) (standard atmosphere)
atmospheric transmission (≤1) (clean atmosphere)

Select an output option here:
1. Preview first and last records for selected site.
2. Display all hours with missing data for selected site.
3. Display all data for the specified year and location, in text format.
4. Generate table of kWh/m2/day for the selected year and location,
including calculated clear-sky values. (This option will take a while!)
5. Generate bar chart of kWh/m2/day for the selected year, month, and location.
6. Generate line graphs of insolation for selected year, specified days, and location.

If you selected option 6:

Starting day (1-31, as appropriate): How many days?