Many of these "errors" are simply notes to myself about proposed wording changes if the book is reprinted. Line numbers are counted from the top of the page, including section headings, but not including blank lines. [Red text in square brackets indicates text to be removed.] Underlining indicates replacement or added text. For the most part, errors represent careless proof-reading on my part and are relatively harmless. Serious errors in statements that are actually wrong or that significantly alter the intention of the text are displayed in bold font.
Pvi, L29: ... exercises[)] is knowledge ..."
P10, L13: "As [we] you will see... "
P11, L7: "... [we] I have already stated... "
P13, L1: "... although [we] you would...
P16, L9: "... bgColor and fgColor [is a property] are properties...
P49, L15: [I always use the] The only action used is...
P49, L19: [In this book, I use] This book uses...
P49, L26-27: In this book, [I use the "post" value] the "post" value is used...
P52, L12: value="[Spring]Summer" /> (Line 10 is correct.)
P67, L7: [In the p]Previous chapters [I]
P71, L24: Later in this chapter, [we will see] there will be
P76, L22: [The reason I am introducing objects now is that in order to see how JavaScript works, we...]
The reason objects are introduced now is that in order to see how JavaScript works, you...
P77, L10: [In s]Subsequent sections of this chapter[, I]
P77, Document 4.1: All quotes around text in Courier font should be "straight quotes," not “smart quotes,”, e.g.,
"Give the..." and not “Give the...”.
P80, L10: ... a value of 16.[Insert new paragraph.]It is important...
P87, Math.random() method, [[0,1]][0,1) (open interval on 1)
P87, L28: Math.random()*n+1
P95, L21: Suppose [we] you would like to write code that [would]
P95, Document 4.6: All quotes around text in Courier font should be "straight quotes," not “smart quotes,”, e.g.,
"1" and not “1”.
P100, Document 4.9: All quotes around text in Courier font should be "straight quotes," not “smart quotes.”
P100, Document 4.9: floor((Mathrandom()%1)
P100, Document 4.10: All quotes around text in Courier font should be "straight quotes," not “smart quotes.”
P123, Document 5.9: Move the JavaScript comment "// This file defines the site characteristics." inside the <script> tag.
P124, L1: Data file [siteData.dat] site_data.dat
(An underscore between "site" and "data.")
P141, L15: [ParseFloat()] parseInt()
P143, Exercise 4.3: A newer and more accurate version of the windchill equation is:
TWC = 35.74 + 0.6215•T - 35.75V0.16 + 0.4275•T•V0.16
The wind speed is measured at a standard anemometer height of 10 m (33 ft) and gives the wind chill temperature
at a height of 5 ft (face level).
P148, Document 6.10: All quotes around text should be "straight quotes," not “smart quotes.”
P149-150, Documents 6.11a and 6.11b: All quotes around text should be "straight quotes," not “smart quotes.”
P152, Document 6.12: All quotes around text should be "straight quotes," not “smart quotes.”
P170, Display towers.htm in Courier font.
P173-174, Exercise 2.3: All quotes around text in Courier font should be "straight quotes," not “smart quotes.”
P175-176, Exercises 3.1 and 3.5: See previous explanation for P 173-174, including both single and double quotes.
P177, Exercise 4.4: The variable k should defined as 1 for a leap year and 2 otherwise.
P179, Exercise 4.13: g=9.8 m/s2, v = V(Lg)1/2
P180, L18: Math.random()*2 (L20 is correct.)
P181, Exercise 2.3: All quotes around text in Courier font should be "straight quotes," not “smart quotes,” e.g.,
"thing1" and not “thing1”.
P183, Exercise 5.8: All single and double quotes around text in Courier font should be "straight quotes," not “smart quotes.”,
P188, Exercise 6.9, L15: = ([PND]NWD)•PD)/[[PND]NWD•PD + NND•(1 - PD)]
P193 (Index): There is no reference in the Index to the alert() or prompt() methods. They are discussed starting on P 76.